Teeth Extraction

Extraction of a tooth may become necessary due to decay or potential permanent damage. A dentist may recommend extraction of a tooth when root canal treatment or any other form of dental intervention does not assure the protection of the tooth. It may also be recommended when the decay of one tooth puts the neighboring tooth/teeth in danger of damage too. Generally, the priority for any dental surgeon is to protect the tooth. This is achieved by various intervention methods like dental fillings, crowns, bridges, or implants.

The procedure

The tooth extraction procedure involves a local anesthetic to numb the adjoining area of the tooth to be taken out. An X-ray before the procedure is necessary to see the root and angle of the tooth. The tooth will be taken out by gently loosening it from the socket. If a bone covers the tooth or if the decay to the gum is more, the surgeon may have to extract the tooth by removing a part of the gum. The tooth socket is disinfected at the end of the procedure. If pain is felt despite anesthesia, one should intimate the dentist immediately. The dentist may place stitches, if need be.

Our Doctors

Dr. Mohammed Ziad

Oral Surgeon



  • How much time does it take to recover from a tooth extraction?

    The time is taken for the complete recovery after teeth extraction depends on multiple factors:

    • Surgical or non-surgical teeth extraction: Surgical teeth extractions healing takes more time than the non-surgical approach
    • Laser-assisted or electrosurgical teeth extraction takes less time to heal in comparison to conventional methods.
    • Age of the patient: Old age also delays the healing of the extraction wound.
    • The habit of smoking and drinking alcohol delays wound healing.
    • Medical conditions like diabetes also delay healing.
    • Infection of the extraction wound also delays the recovery of the extraction wound.
  • Will tooth extraction weaken my eyesight?

    No, teeth extraction can not weaken eyesight. It is a myth. Nerves and blood vessels of teeth and eyes are different and roots of upper teeth are not connected to the eye socket. They are not connected in any way.

  • What to Tell Your Dentist Before tooth extraction?

    Before teeth extraction tell your dentist about:

    • Ongoing medications
    • Medical conditions you are suffering from
    • Any allergy
    • About pregnancy or breastfeeding
    • Ongoing cancer therapy or plan of cancer therapy
  • Do tooth extraction hurt?
    • The tooth extraction procedure is done under anaesthesia. But you will feel pressure during the procedure.
    • Post teeth extraction you will experience pain for which medicines are prescribed by the dentist. Post extraction pain subsides in the next 2 to 3 days
    • If pain continuous please call or visit our dental office.
  • What is an impacted wisdom tooth?

    The wisdom tooth that fails to erupt or come out of the gums and bones is called an impacted wisdom tooth. It can remain asymptomatic or can cause pain, swelling and pressure in the jaws. It is extracted by surgical extraction.

  • Can the patient drink alcohol or smoke after teeth extractions?

    No, the patient can’t drink alcohol or smoke. These 2 factors can delay healing and dislodge the blood clot leading to bleeding, delayed healing and painful infection of the gums and jawbones.

  • When to call the dentist or dental office post teeth extraction?

    Post tooth extraction, follow the instructions given by the dentist strictly. If you experience continuous bleeding, severe pain and swelling and an allergic reaction to the medicine, call the dental office immediately.

  • What is a dry socket?
    • Dry socket is a complication of teeth extraction due to the dislodgement of the blood clot and no healing of the extraction wound. It is a severely painful condition in which the jawbone is exposed.
    • Your dentist will put a medicated dressing on a dry socket to promote healing and relief from pain.
  • How Are Teeth Extracted?
    • Teeth are extracted under local anaesthesia. Surrounding gums and bones of teeth are loosened by a dental tool or laser or by controlled heat.
    • After loosening them, teeth are removed out of the jawbone with the help of dental forceps.
    • Stitches and wound dressing is done.
    • The patient is observed for the next 30 to 45 minutes and sent home when bleeding stops and the blood clot is formed.
  • Is follow up appointment necessary after tooth extraction?

    Yes, follow up appointment after teeth extraction is necessary to check the status of healing of the extraction wound, any infection and for the removal of the stitches.

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