Facial Cosmetic Procedures

Facial cosmetic procedures are performed to enhance the beauty and overall appearance of a person. In some cases, such procedures become necessary post-injury, to mask after-effects like scars or surgery marks.

Some of the major cosmetic procedures include:

  • Botox

    Botox injections are administered for the removal of facial wrinkles. These injections majorly use a toxin called onabotulinumtoxinA to prevent muscle movements. The chemical signals from the nerves that cause facial muscles to contract, are stopped using botox injections. This prevents and delays the appearance of wrinkles. Botox is also used for medical reasons to prevent neck spasms, reduce excessive sweating and avoid lazy eyes.

  • Face-lift

    Known as rhytidectomy, a facelift is a surgical procedure performed to reduce visible signs of aging on the face and neck. Fold lines, sagging & loose skin, excess fat etc. are corrected, prevented, and delayed with the use of a facelift procedure. This also helps restore a youthful feel to the face and reduces thinning of skin.

  • Brow-lift

    Bow-lift or forehead lift is performed to enhance the eyebrow lines and remove the creases between eyebrows. It reduces wrinkle lines on the forehead and also between the eyes. They make the eyebrows more beautiful and remove the sags under and over the eyes.

  • Rhinoplasty

    A nose job, otherwise known as rhinoplasty, brings an enhanced and more beautiful look to the face by removing the asymmetry and undesired shape of the nose. This surgical intervention treats the width, size, and position of the nose, rectifies the shape of the nose ends as per the patient’s need, and also treats a damaged nose due to any injury or hereditary reasons.

  • Neck-lift

    Neck-lift or rhytidectomy arrests aging by removing any signs of excess fat, abnormal features or sagging in the jawline and the neck. It improves overall facial beauty by reshaping the face and neck contours. For those who see wrinkles, double chin, and skin sagging due to aging, a neck-lift can be a promising option to enhance their looks.

  • Otoplasty

    Ear surgery or otoplasty can help improve the shape of the ear, which may have been damaged/occurred due to an injury, birth defect, or any other reason. Otoplasty helps restore the shape, size, and position of the ear and gives an appropriate proportion to the face. Such corrective surgeries are performed mostly for medical reasons or aesthetic purposes.

Our Doctors

Dr. Abraham M. Isaac

Specialist Plastic Surgeon



  • Can facelift cause hair loss?

    Facelift surgery is safe with mild complications like pain, swelling, bleeding, and redness that resolve in a couple of weeks. Hair loss at the site of incision is a potential complication of facial cosmetic treatments. But it will not cause hair loss from the scalp unless the scalp is involved in the facelift.

  • Will facelift remove wrinkles?

    Yes, a facelift helps in removing the wrinkles on the face. Wrinkles are caused by loose skin due to ageing, high sun exposure, or dehydration. In this procedure, loose or saggy skin is surgically removed, and the remaining skin is pulled and stitched. The scars are hidden or invisible as the incisions are made on the natural skin creases of the face.

  • How often do you need a facelift?

    Facelift results can last 7-10 years in most cases. The life of results depends upon the skin elasticity and tone of the patient. Facelift results last more in patients having good skin elasticity. Also, sun exposure, dehydration, and irregular skincare routine can decrease the longevity of results. Regular skincare and a healthy lifestyle help maintain the results for a longer time.

  • Where are facelift scars located?

    Scars after facelift treatment are invisible or hidden. An experienced surgeon will skillfully make the incisions along the hairline and natural creases of the face, neck, and ear resulting in hidden scars. Rarely these scars can turn into raised or pigmented, which are treated with steroids injections to minimize them.

  • How to lift the droopy face?

    A droopy face or tired expression of the face can be corrected by facial cosmetic procedures. The droopy face is caused by loose skin and wrinkles with or without droopy eyelids and a downward lip line. All these causes can be treated/corrected by the range of cosmetic procedures available at MEDSTAR. We have a facelift, brow lift, eyelid lift, and lip lift surgery options to help patients in achieving a fresh smiling and youthful appearance.

  • Can fillers lift the face?

    Fillers are biocompatible substances that are injected under the facial skin to get rid of wrinkles. Yes, fillers can help in lifting the facial skin non-surgically but temporarily. The patient will have to retake the filler injection after the body absorbs them in a couple of years. The long-lasting treatment of lifting the facial skin is the facelift. Visit our cosmetic surgery clinic for consultation and guidance by our experts.

  • What are the complications of cosmetic facial treatments?

    Like any other surgical procedures, cosmetic facial treatments can have side effects that vanish after the recovery period, which can be up to 4 weeks. Rare complications of cosmetic facial treatment are:

    • Bleeding
    • Infection
    • Numbness
    • Hair loss near the incision
    • Numbness
    • Anesthesia complications
    • Facial nerves damage
    • Asymmetry in face

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