Buttock Enhancement

Buttock enhancement is usually done for beauty augmentation and aesthetic purposes. It is performed by using implants or surgical procedures like fat grafting. Buttock enhancement helps in improving the shape, size, and contours of the buttocks. There are a variety of ways in which a surgeon may perform the intervention, by using different incision patterns in the area.

The ways to perform the incision and the right procedure are decided based on patient need, body and skin type. In the buttock lift procedure, the underlying (inside) tissue is toned to arrive at the desired result. Implants are also an option in such procedures, which are silicone-based and of various forms. Implants are used to give the buttocks the right shape and structure that the procedure aims for.

The procedure

In the buttock lift procedure, first, general anesthesia is given and then the liposuction is performed through small incisions below the waistline. The excess tissue is removed and incisions are closed using sutures or clips. The buttock augmentation procedure starts with liposuction of the areas from where fat is to be removed. The removed fat is then injected using cannulas with a syringe at the end. This process may have to be repeated more times in the future for complete augmentation. For implants, incisions are made on both cheeks of the buttocks. A silicone-based implant is inserted in the muscle area. The size and method of placing the implants are based on the requirement, type of body, and health risks, if any. Using sutures, the incisions are closed and the result of the procedure is visible to the patient soon.

Healing process

The healing process and time varies depending upon the procedure chosen. The buttock lift procedure has a comparatively longer healing time than other aesthetic procedures. It may take 5-6 months of healing time for visible results, as the fat needs time to adjust, as the tissues settle and the incision lines fade away. For surgical implants, the results are visible faster and healing is sooner. In each case, swelling in the area can be expected, which will recover within a few weeks to some months.


  • What is buttock enhancement surgery?
    Buttock enhancement surgery is the procedure of reshaping the butts to achieve the curves in the lower body as desired by the patient. It is done by fat grafting aka Brazilian butt lift or by butt implants or by a combination of both. These procedures are safe with minimum complications when performed by an experienced surgeon. The final results of buttock enhancement are fuller butts and the confident personality of the patient.
  • How painful is BBL recovery?
    Like any other cosmetic surgery involving fat grafting, the Brazilian butt lift procedure has mild complications of pain, swelling, discomfort and bleeding. These symptoms mostly subside in 2 weeks with the help of medications and by following the instructions given by the surgeon. The patient is advised to follow post-surgery instructions strictly as these help in normal and quick recovery with long-lasting results.
  • What are the risks of Brazilian butt lift?
    Brazilian butt-lift is a safe procedure when performed by a certified and experienced surgeon. However it has mild complications of pain, swelling, redness and bleeding, that subside in 2 weeks. Other potential risks of Brazilian butt lift are:
    • Infection
    • Scarring
    • Pain 
    • Lumps under the skin of the butts
    • Asymmetry in the shape of the butts
    • Loss of skin due to infection
    • Fat embolism in the heart or lungs
  • How long does Brazilian buttock lift last?
    Brazilian butt lift is the procedure of fat grafting to reshape and contour the butts and complete results are visible in 6 months post-surgery. Fat grafting can last for 10 years or more. The results can be long-lasting when a healthy lifestyle is maintained to avoid any weight fluctuations. As weight gain or loss affects the fat cells of the body resulting in loss of the shape and contour of the butts post-surgery.
  • How long do buttock implants last?
    Buttock implants help in achieving instant improvement in the shape and contour of the butts. When performed by a certified and experienced surgeon, butt implants are safe, natural-looking and can last for more than 10 years. Make sure to go to the certified surgeon only for safe and effective results with minimum complications.
  • What are the complications of butt enhancement procedures?
    Complications of butt enhancement procedures:
    • Bleeding, swelling, pain and scarring
    • Skin discolouration and allergic reactions
    • Infection at the site of incision
    • Fluid or blood accumulation in butts
    • Numbness
    • Fat necrosis and delayed wound healing
    • Asymmetry in shape and size of the buttocks
    • In rare cases, deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications

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