
Bringing back the sparkle

Do you miss those shining eyes with sharp eyelids or want to have them? Blepharoplasty is the answer to your desire. It is a minor procedure and you don’t have to worry about results as we have the best team of surgeons to help you get what you wanted.

Know the way to shine, from procedure to recovery

When we look at someone we notice their eyes in the first place, and it plays a crucial role in making a person attractive. From ageing to stress can be the reasons why you have baggy eyes. Droopy eyelids and bags under your eyes can make you look older than your real age and it will also cause vision impairment.

The procedure

Blepharoplasty is a minor procedure and you can leave the hospital on the same day. The upper eyelid has 2 fat bags and the lower eyelid has 3 fat bags. The surgeon will remove wrinkles, excess skin, fat and muscle on the eyelids to enhance the overall sharpness of your eyes. The same procedure will be performed in other facial cosmetic procedures such as eyebrow lifting and face lifting. The main focus of blepharoplasty is to recover your youthful appearance and make you more confident.

How long does it takes to heal?

At Medstar you are in the safest hands and we will treat you with utmost care. By following proper medications and instructions from your doctor you can go back to your normal life within 10-14 after the surgery. Get ready to see the WOW faces and watch them with your bright eyes!


  • Is blepharoplasty permanent?
    The results of blepharoplasty are safe and long-lasting when performed by an experienced surgeon. The fat and skin removed from the eyelids will not come back and these results can even last for a lifetime. However, it will not stop the ageing of the eyes and the upper eyelid might droop a little bit with age.
  • Will scars after blepharoplasty go away?

    Yes, scars will fade away in a couple of months after surgery. Incisions are made on the natural skin creases of the upper eyelid to hide them effectively after surgery. In lower eyelids incisions are made on the inside or on the outer skin just below the lower eyelashes.

    Scarring depends on the surgeon’s approach for what to do and what to avoid during the surgery.

  • What are the conditions required for blepharoplasty?

    For blepharoplasty surgery patient must be:

    • Healthy and free from medical conditions which can result in delayed healing like diabetes
    • Do not have dry eye syndrome. This condition will worsen as eyelid surgery leads to dry eyes temporarily.
    • Do not smoke or quit smoking at least 2 weeks before the surgery
    • Do not have undergone any eye surgery in the last 6 months
  • What are the risks of blepharoplasty?

    Blepharoplasty is a comparatively safe procedure and risks can be avoided by proper counselling of the patient before surgery. Possible risks associated with blepharoplasty are:

    • Infection, bleeding, fever
    • Dry, eyes
    • Difficulty in eyelid movements
    • Post-surgery scarring
    • Eye muscles injury
    • Discolouration of the skin
    • Blurry vision temporarily
    • In rare cases loss of eyesight
    • In rare cases reaction to anaesthesia and blood clots formation
  • What is the recovery time for blepharoplasty?
    Recovery time for blepharoplasty is 10-14 days. For quick and normal healing patient is advised to:  
    • Take care of eyes by cleaning them gently, avoiding rubbing or scratching
    • Avoiding eye-straining activities like reading, checking emails, texting on phone etc.
    • Wear sunglasses to protect eyes from sunlight
    • Taking prescribed medications and eyedrops regularly
    • Avoiding strenuous activities like jogging, aerobics etc
    • Using 2-3 pillows to elevate the head for reduced swelling
    • Quit smoking as it delays wound healing.
  • Is blepharoplasty safe?
    The complications of blepharoplasty are severe pain, swelling, infection and vision problems. But these compilations can be easily avoided by following the pre and post-surgery instructions carefully and taking prescribed medications regularly during the healing process. Also, a skilled and experienced surgeon will know what to do during surgery to avoid post-surgery complications and gain wonderful results.

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